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Quality is our main competitive advantage.

At TTGM, all our mills, commercial offices, R&D centers, service centers and warehouses are covered by quality management system that is ISO 9001 certified. We also hold the most significant certifications such as API certifications.


Quality encompasses all supply chain processes, including our providers and partners: from purchasing to product development, steel making, rolling and drawing technology, order processing, production planning, manufacturing, product controls, testing and qualification, storage, shipping, post-sales assistance. At TTGM we believe excellence in quality allows for long-term, sustainable business.

Health, Safety and Environment

TTGM is committed to health and safety at all of its manufacturing facilities worldwide. We believe that injuries and work-related illnesses can and must be prevented. We seek to provide a quality working environment and to promote the awareness of healthy practices among employees. 


TTGM is committed to developing a long-term sustainable business by minimizing the environmental impact of our operations and by making the most efficient use of natural resources and energy. We integrate care for the environment into all our business management procedures, from the beginning of the production process to the final delivery of products and services to our customers.

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